Riggs Eckelberry's OF INTEREST |
Check out remarket, my occasional coverage of interesting developments in online marketing.
Since 1997, I've published "Of Interest", an occasional email dispatch to my friends on technology transformation trends. This is the archive. Please feel free to comment and contribute by emailing me at riggs@riggs.com. Enjoy!
Of Interest: Internet Advertising Study
Forwarded by Howard Sobel in W U G*B Y T E S, February 25, 1997, the implications of this story are stunning.
These business executives report that: "Although 49 percent said that specialty business-to-business trade magazines would garner the bulk of their increased marketing budget in 1997, a full 40 percent reported that the Internet would be their advertising medium of choice." General interest magazines lagged far behind at 8.2%. Riggs (BusinessWire) ****National Survey: Business Executives Discovering Internet Advertising A new survey of 400 business executives conducted in February by Chaners Business Confidence Index (CBCI) shows that businesses have increased marketing dollar expenditures in Internet advertising up 5.2% since last year. Investment in internet advertising is increasing overall.