Riggs Eckelberry's OF INTEREST |
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Since 1997, I've published "Of Interest", an occasional email dispatch to my friends on technology transformation trends. This is the archive. Please feel free to comment and contribute by emailing me at riggs@riggs.com. Enjoy!
Of Interest: Complimentary Surfsaver
I asked askSam Systems' Phil Schnyder if my friends could have a complimentary personal copy of SurfSaver. He said yes!
This is a program they sell for $29, but it's yours by simply going to a special page on their site and downloading the full-featured product. Why SurfSaver? If you've ever tried to save browser pages with all the links and pictures, you'll know that you often lose those pictures and links. That makes those pages useless. Surfsaver instantly saves any web page to a folder you designate, so that you can save, say, all the cool forms you admire, into a Forms folder. Retrieve anytime, send to a co-worker, you get the idea. It's a very useful utility, it got the 5-start Editor's Pick from ZDNet, and it's yours with no strings attached, except that it's only for you. Can others get this for free? If you'd like a friend or colleague to have this program, please ask them to send me mail with "subscribe" in the subject line. Note: this page will only be open through Monday 25 January, after which you can still get the program, but you will need to go through a longer process to unlock it. Enjoy! Riggs