Riggs Eckelberry's OF INTEREST |
Check out remarket, my occasional coverage of interesting developments in online marketing.
Since 1997, I've published "Of Interest", an occasional email dispatch to my friends on technology transformation trends. This is the archive. Please feel free to comment and contribute by emailing me at riggs@riggs.com. Enjoy!
Of Interest: Talkie Gets Funding
Here's some good news to report. Last Friday, September 28, Talkie banked its first investor funding since May 2000. TechTransform and its associates assisted by transforming the business model and assembling a funding package which permitted the founders to leverage funds from a pre-existing investor.
What's Talkie? Well, if you think about it, the best computer interface would be a person. And Talkie characters are astonishingly lively, helpful and 'real' - what I call "social creatures". Take a look at the demos. Our job is done... on to the next! We wish Talkie the greatest fortune as they take their venture to the next stage. By the way, our client roster is now posted - take a look! Riggs