Riggs Eckelberry's OF INTEREST

Of Interest: Closing The E-Business Gap

OK, the holidays now fully behind us, what's in store for 2002? I'm tracking an astonishing trend in e-business*.

Consider this: a recent survey of a broad range of companies found 83% planning to begin new e-business projects in 2002.

That's a good thing, because most companies are waaaay behind.

For example, while 45% of online shoppers choose sites based on word-of-mouth recommendations, only 7% of companies are putting in tools
to allow them to support the recommenders.

So... 2002 will be about companies hurrying to close the e-business gap. The key, for both customers and vendors, will be to keep it easy and simple.

I'm reporting on this and other trends on the expanded TechTransform site.

I'd love to hear your thoughts.


*e-business: a range of online activities spanning procurement; supply-chain management; customer relationship management and sell-side e-commerce; business intelligence; Web services; enterprise resource planning; content management; and integration.

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