Riggs Eckelberry's OF INTEREST |
Check out remarket, my occasional coverage of interesting developments in online marketing.
Since 1997, I've published "Of Interest", an occasional email dispatch to my friends on technology transformation trends. This is the archive. Please feel free to comment and contribute by emailing me at riggs@riggs.com. Enjoy!
Of Interest: The Back To Basics Revolution
I trust the warming days find you well.
Say, have you noticed that the tech comeback is about reality in technology, companies, revenue, marketing? It's back to basics, with a vengeance. The high-flying stuff is gone and discredited - but, quietly, much business is being done. A friend of a friend just signed a five MILLION dollar software development contract, and Stu Sjouwerman's Sunbelt Software is soaring on the Inc. 500. Go Stu! So in tech marketing, what's real? Here's my list: 1. Affiliate networks. Guess what, you can now recruit and manage your partner network and even your resellers with an old-fashioned affiliate marketing system. Cool, huh? That's because they're on the internet, too. (Better do it right, though.) What about us? You bet, we like the Real. We especially like those partner networks and those dialog-friendly websites. Let me know what you think. This is turning into an interesting year! Riggs