Riggs Eckelberry's OF INTEREST

Of Interest: Ryze Is Cool

Say, here's a networking thing that is actually working. Please join me on Ryze and take a look at who else you know on it! Ryze is definitely OK.

So... how are you these days? Take a look at the TechTransform website for new articles on the End of Email and The Commoditization of Everything. (Don't worry, email's not dead and not everything's commoditized!)

The tech rebirth I was predicting last year is starting to gather momentum. Of course, as one of our reseller friends said, "We're not seeing the $4MM contracts this year but lots of $100,000 contracts", but...that's a start. Read more about it in my new article on www.techtransform.com.

So... let me know how you're doing and what you think of the tech rebirth - and I'll see you on Ryze!


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