Riggs Eckelberry's OF INTEREST |
Check out remarket, my occasional coverage of interesting developments in online marketing.
Since 1997, I've published "Of Interest", an occasional email dispatch to my friends on technology transformation trends. This is the archive. Please feel free to comment and contribute by emailing me at riggs@riggs.com. Enjoy!
Of Interest: How's Your Digital Marketing?
How's your digital marketing? I'll be happy to help you evaluate it.
Digital marketing (e-marketing) is a powerful tool, but there's one big problem: there's so much of it to do! Even the top marketers (see story) don't think their digital marketing efforts are all that great. What does that say for the rest of us? You've got to do websites, newsletters, "hot" and "cool" email campaigns to both prospects and customers, affiliate networks, search engines (paid and unpaid), commerce optimization, online PR, product evaluation, weblogs, refer-a-friend, member management, paid advertising, distributed websites - the list goes on and on. And what about managing all the content? You know what it takes to feed a newsletter. Are all your channels getting fresh, powerful content? And then you have to hook it in with your offline work - magazines, direct mail, telemarketing, shows, collateral materials. There's always more to do and it's always changing these days. So call or email me. I'll be happy to spend a few minutes discussing your own marketing, both digital and print, and giving you my thoughts and ideas. In this fast-changing market, that can be useful! A lot of people are going to take me up on this, so email me quickly if you are interested. And even if you're not, drop me a line and say hi! Riggs